Each mission also has a strict time limit. The campaign's missions focus on game elements introduced with this expansion and deal with overcoming the consequences of this catastrophe. Those additions are most useful in free play, but there is also a small campaign about a new power plant which triggers a tsunami. new quests, new technology for the main factions or the possibility to buy islands through stocks (a mechanic known from Dawn of Discovery: Venice). There are a number of other, smaller additions, e.g. The core gameplay mechanics are unchanged, but of course the new content also includes useful buildings like energy transmitters for easier energy distribution. As the name of the game suggests, most of this new content is built underwater. In this expansion they receive an additional level of evolution and with it the full range of new buildings, needs, goods, production cycles and a new population type. Their basic support function does not change: they are not a full faction, but get unlocked after the second civilization level of the main faction. Anno 2070 and Anno 2205 presented a futuristic vision of amazing technological discoveries. Most of the more prominent changes regard the Tech faction.

Not an American user? Description Anno 2070: Deep Ocean is an add-on for Anno 2070.