Words like “a,” “the,” “and,” “we,” “you,” and plenty of others get used so much that most comments will not show on your posts. Rather than restrict comments that contain unwanted words like “stupid,” “a-hole,” “idiot,” or other words we cannot mention here, you can insert common ones to restrict a higher number of comments. You cannot disable Facebook comments, but you can use the text filter to reduce them. Use Text Filters to Control Facebook Comments The same outcome also applies to the “Specific friends,” “Close Friends,” and “Custom” options. The ‘Friends except…’ option allows you to hide your post from select Facebook users, meaning you won’t see their comments.

Now that you know how to limit who on Facebook can access your posts and tagged photos, it’s time to adjust privacy settings for individual posts. Here you can choose who sees your future posts, and you can review tags before they go live on your Facebook Profile/Home Page.